Tuesday, 28 September 2021

New Releases: Жертва Моды - "Я хочу, чтоб всегда была ночь"


Russian musician Жертва Моды (in English, according to Chrome's Google Translate add-on "Fashion Victim") has released "Я хочу, чтоб всегда была ночь" ("I wish there was always night") using a post-punk/goth rock instrumental, complimented by shrieking/growling vocals commonly found in black metal and other extreme genres of metal.

Overall, it's a really strong demo consisting of two songs totalling just under 8 minutes. Support them on Facebook.

If you like this musician, you will also like Spear of Teuta, who blends black metal with post-punk.

Sunday, 26 September 2021

Goth Girls Don't Exist For You


Not what my blog is usually for, however, Angela Benedict is talking about an important issue from the outside, affecting many women and some men/non-binary people within the goth scene. 

Gothberg 2.0

I want to share something I made at the beginning of the year with you, because a lot of places where this is being shared makes it too small to be properly looked at.

I consider this to be the second Gothberg as the first one originally included some dark/alternative "goth gateway" bands, anything from alternative metal, to "emo" and mumble rap, to 80s synth-pop acts. The second version of this negates this section and firstly focusses on iconic and classic goth bands which were either popular at the time, or established key elements of the goth genre. This is why post-punk bands, such as early Adam & the Ants, The Chameleons, The Birthday Party, Joy Division, Killing Joke, etc. are here despite those bands not exactly being goth rock.

The rest of the berg follows a loose range of themes. The overall theme was the amount of Last.fm listeners they had back in January - March 2021. As the berg gets deeper, the names get more underground, obscure and/or new as there are bands in the bottom section which have released, for example, one EP/compilation/demo of post-punk, goth rock, or another goth associated genre.

Here is the original criteria, correct at the time:

For reference:

  • 1st Tier includes bands that are iconic to the scene and those who have 151k+ listeners
  • 2nd Tier includes bands with 149k – 32k listeners
  • 3rd Tier includes bands with 31k – 9.8k listeners (9.7k is missing; a mistake)
  • 4th Tier includes bands with 9.6k – 2.3k listeners
  • 5th Tier includes bands with 2.2k to around 450 listeners
  • 6th Tier includes less than 450 and brand new bands that have released music recently

Deus Ex Lumina "Dark Wave (Playlist)" is a good example of this - check out the EP, it's fantastic, and includes a cover of Lebanon Hanover's "Alien" as well as a cover of Röyksopp "Here She Comes Again". The artist has since moved onto synthwave/cyberpunk themed music.

Bear in mind that this isn't a complete list of every goth band, and if your favourite is missing and is popular ask yourselves if they actually play goth and aren't mainly just industrial, metal, electronic, experimental, or if they're not there and aren't popular, then the likelihood of me including them among several thousands of goth bands.

The last point I want to address is finding bands that share the same names as other bands from different countries, playing different genres. If you want to check out a band and you can’t find them, please comment and I’ll reply with a link of their Bandcamp/YouTube/music profile. For example, Dreamtime is the name of a psychedelic band too, so make sure you type in ‘goth’, after. I left out The Awakening for this very reason. If you think a band is too high/low on the list, this is because, like I mentioned before, bands share the same profile and their listeners are combined so you might find I did an estimate (Ikon, Elusive, etc.) instead.

Happy finding new bands!

Saturday, 25 September 2021

New Releases: Introducing God in a Black Suit


In late February, Italian goth-rockers released their single "You Don't Have Time" for free on Bandcamp.

Now, they blessed us with their debut EP "Nails" - it's refreshing all the while sounding like they stepped straight from the 80s.

Don't miss this one!

New Releases: Cross✞Chapel - "Cross✞Chapel"


New self-titled post-punk/goth EP/demo by Cross✞Chapel, an artist from Tacoma, Washington, U.S.A, also known as Poppet under their dungeon synth project. 

Please go and support their new project here!

New Releases: DETECTS - "Conditions"

  Mississippi's DETECTS will release " Conditions " on 12th November. Their first single " The Other Night ", which ...